File system 2


Devices are named by the system as:


SCSI disk unit 3 on first SCSI controller
SCSI tape drive unit 0 on second SCSI controller
IDE disk on first IDE controller

File types:

VMS file system is *NOT* byte stream based.

Among other things it has file organization and record format.

File organization:

normal file of records
index sequential
a database like file where records has 1-10 keys and can be accessed both sequentially and by key
you dont want to know

Sequential files can have several different record formats:

Variable length
Normal variable length records. Physical stored as 2 byte with length + record + 0 or 1 nul byte to pad to an even number of bytes.
Very similar to variable length. Files created by DCL has this format. Physical stored as 2 byte with length + 2 bytes control information + record + 0 or 1 nul byte to pad to an even number of bytes.
DOS/Windows format. Physical stored as record + CR + LF.
Stream LF
Unix format. Used a lot by C and Java software. Physical stored as record + LF.
Stream CR
Old Mac format. Physical stored as record + CR.
Fixed length
Used by binary files. Physical stored as record + 0 or 1 nul byte to pad to an even number of bytes.
Block file. Practically never used.

For a file to be consistent the files actual content and the meta information in the file header must match.

Using ASCII or IMAGE in FTP is extremely important on VMS.