The code in isam.jar and isam-vms.jar is under Apache license. The code in isam-bdb.jar is available under either Apache license or AGPL license. This is not my choice, but due to BDB license. Berkeley DB (BDB) is dual licensed under AGPL and a commercial license from Oracle. I strongly recommend seeking legal advice on implications from these licenses before using BDB. But this is my understanding as a non-lawyer. If you have a commercial license from Oracle then you can take code in isam-bdb.jar under Apache license and use whatever license you want for your own code. If you have taken BDB under AGPL then you need to take code in isam-bdb.jar under AGPL license and also use AGPL for your own code. The code in isam.jar and isam-vms.jar are not linked with BDB in any way and can be used under Apache license no matter what license you have taken BDB under.