ISAM library


It is a library to read and/or modify native structs stored in ISAM files by Java programs in a way that is natural for Java.

Current implementations are:

Getting started:

See Getting started guide.

System requirements (general):

Additional requirements for VMS index-sequential files:

Additional requirements for BDB files:

Additional requirements for VBISAM files:

API docs

Click here to read the entire API docs.


All my Java code except code tied to BDB are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

For info on BDB licensing see the separate text file on the topic.

Version history:

Initial release (January 2010).
Add support for BDB (February 2021).
Add support for VBISAM (December 2021).
Change packaging for VMS and add support for VMS IA-64 (January 2022).
Support successful duplicate key insert on VMS and use updated Record library (August 2022).
Make VBISAM link dynamic and update record.jar (March 2023).
Update unit test and add architectural unit testAdd support for VMS x86-64 (September 2023)

Author, bug reports etc.:

This library is written by Arne Vajhoej (

Bug reports, bug fixes and comments in general are welcome.

Since this is a hobby project, then I can not give any guarantees about timeline for new releases.