History. ======== Version 1.0 : Initial version. Programmed august 1990. Version 1.1 : Correction of several minor bugs (DOWNTO,OTHERWISE). Implementation of VMS PASCAL specific features (INHERIT, INCLUDE,attributes). Option for different comment-styles. Allow comments mores places in the code. Modified september 1990. Version 1.2 : Correction of several minor bugs (real constants). Option for forcing comments. Allow missing semicolons before END. Support of some SET features. Modified october 1990. Version 1.3 : Option for indenting END's. Implementation of VMS PASCAL specific features (keywords in argument-lists). Modified november 1990. Version 1.4 : Option for listing procedure/function definitions. Options for listing procedure/function calls. Support for TURBO PASCAL. Modified january 1991. Version 1.5 : Option for translation (VMS PASCAL <-> TURBO PASCAL). Modified december 1991. Version 2.0 : Handcoded scanner replaced with FLEX scanner. BISON code cleaned up. Memory leaks removed. INDENT0 and INDENTTAB directives. Synonym directives. Hexadecimal constants. Improved translation (@-IADDRESS,#-CHR,$-16#). Linienumbers with translation errors. Allow WRITE/WRITELN with both field width and number of digits. Improved NDEF utility. Updated and split documentation. Modified july 1994. Version 2.1 : Generate smaller FLEX scanner. Rename files for DOS name conpatibility. Allow single quotes in strings via doubling. Allow VALUE with single values. Change MSC compilation from /FPi87 to /FPc. Fixed labels bug (broke with version 2.0). Modified august 1994. Version 2.2 : Allow comments mores places in the code. Allow missing semicolons before END again (broke with version 2.0). Allow %IMMED, %REF, %DESCR and %STDESC. Make EXTERNAL synonym for EXTERN. Allow expressions in ranges. Allow AND_THEN and OR_ELSE. Modified february 1995. version 2.3 : Support for Borland C. Fixed non-decimal non-hexadecimal bug. Modified april 1995. version 2.4 : Allow scientific notation. Improved translation (INC,DEC,WRITEV-STR,READV-VAL). Make output-file required (to avoid overwriting input-file). ASSIGNSPACE and NOASSIGNSPACE directives. Allow STRING in argument-list declarations. Modified december 1995. version 2.5 : Support for DEC C on VMS VAX. Support for GNU C on DOS. Modified december 1996.