This code is free for everyone to use. Everyone is also allowed to modify the code, but I would appreciate to get an email with the modifications, if you consider your modifications to be of interest for others, so that I can include them in the general distribution. The code is intended as a proof of concept for that it is possible to write a foreign mail transport, that allows the sender to specify RFC 822 headers in the text of the mail (the transport does not insert a blank line between the RFC 822 headers it generate and the text recieved). It can be very usefull for creating scripts to send various MIME stuff. I do not consider it ready for general usage by general users, beceuas eit is not tested enough, and ther are several places where error-handling is missing or partly missing. The code is tested with VMS Alpha 7.1 + DEC C 5.6 + UCX 4.1. The code should work on any VMS system with minor modifications (changes in BUILD.COM and the #include statements). Arne Vajhøj