Creation of searchable mail-archive. ==================================== 1) Extract mails to external files, f.ex. one per month. Many mail-packages allows for automatic archiving to disk, but else it is simpel to do from MAIL. Example: $ MAIL MAIL> SELECT/FROM=FOOBAR-L/BEFORE=1-MAR/AFTER=1-FEB FOOBAR_1998_FEB.TXT MAIL> SELECT/FROM=FOOBAR-L/BEFORE=1-APR/AFTER=1-MAR FOOBAR_1998_MAR.TXT MAIL> SELECT/FROM=FOOBAR-L/BEFORE=1-MAY/AFTER=1-APR FOOBAR_1998_APR.TXT MAIL> EXIT Make sure, that the individual mails are seperated f.ex. with a form-feed (default for MAIL EXTRACT). 2) Index the files with with one index per external file. That has two advantages: - you can build a new index relatively fast every time you add a new external file witout rebuilding everything - you can search one single month, one single year or everything 3) Place MAILSEARCH.COM in you script-directory. 4) Put MAP rules in the server config-file, so that the external files can be accessed. 5) /htbin/mailsearch// can now be used to search the archive. Example: Files are in DISK8:[FOOBAR]FOOBAR__.TXT Indexes are named FOOBAR__ URL to access files are /archive/foobar/foobar__.txt The indexing commands will now be: $ WWWINDEX DISK8:[FOOBAR]FOOBAR__.TXT /MINIMUM=1 /NONUMBER - /OUTPUT=FOOBAR__ /TOPIC=(TEXT="SUBJECT: ",EXCLUDE) - /NOVERSION /FF Now /htbin/mailsearch/archive/foobar/foobar_* will search the all files, /htbin/mailsearch/archive/foobar/foobar_1998_* will search the 1998 files and /htbin/mailsearch/archive/foobar/foobar_1998_apr will search the 1998 april file. Theese URL's can either be placed in a static HTML page or generated dynamically by a script (a small COM-file calling F$SEARCH and manipulation output a bit).